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Bone Broth Blessings

Hey there 👋🏼. I hope you had the most wonderful Christmas! New Years is in a few days and I’ve had some lingering resolutions on the brain. Many the same as previous years but I‘m interested in approaching them in new ways! One resolution I have (like many) is to get back to a healthier weight and activity level.

It’s always one thing or another in this area and despite the cliché, I truly do love to fan the flame of hope and excitement around lifestyle changes! But here is one I am going to share with you that you may not expect, bone broth. Bone broth? YES! Bone broth!

So obviously I’m not a doctor or a registered dietitian and I’m certainly not going to claim any miracle “potion” recipe here in regards to weight loss. But what I am excited about is, the replacement it serves for me in the evenings. Most nights, after the kids are in bed and I FINALLY sit down for the day I tend to be a snacker… Anyone else?🥴

Salty. Crunchy. Spicy. YUM! Add a skosh of a delicious dry red? Sounds perfect! Except, not so much. The next day I feel sluggish, dehydrated and a little puffy. It’s been a bad habit and like any bad habit you want to break, replacement is one of the best practices for success!


I find that when I sip on a warm cup of chicken bone broth I feel satisfied, nourished, relaxed and treated! Not to mention all of the health benefits! A quick Google search will have you editing and adding the ingredients (below) to your grocery list pretty quickly!

Benefits like:

•improved joint health and comfort

•healed leaky gut

•better sleep

•immune system support

•decreased oxidative stress and more!

For me this is every bit a chance to add in some delicious health perks as much as it is a choice to replace too much salt, sugar and carbs! So I want to share with you how absolutely EASY it is to make!! I’ve included some pictures from my Instagram stories for reference as well!

Overnight Chicken Bone Broth:

•Bones and leftovers from an oven roasted chicken or rotisserie (pick off as much meat as you can to eat- save everything else for broth!).

•3 whole organic carrots cut into large chunks

•4 stalks of organic celery cut into large chunks

•5 cloves of garlic smashed

•1 onion cut into quarters

•1 organic lemon washed and cut in half

•1 bundle of fresh organic herbs like thyme, sage or oregano


You‘ll also needs:

•a slow cooker or instant pot


•mixing bowl or pot

•2-3 large, wide mouth mason jars

•straining spoon

•After you’ve roasted a delicious whole chicken or picked the meat off an organic rotisserie, place all the remaining bones / skin / veggie and herb stuffing into the bottom of your slow cooker or instant pot

•Add carrots, celery, garlic, onion, lemon and herbs on top of the bones. •Fill with water until it covers the chicken bones by about an inch.

•Set your slow cooker (or slow cooker setting) to low for 12 hours.

In the morning…

Using a straining spoon, remove all solids into a colander (MAKE SURE the strainer is placed inside a mixing bowl to catch all that precious broth that will drip down). Once all the solids are removed, taste and season the broth to your liking with pink Himalayan sea salt. Ladle into masons for storing in the fridge or freezer until future use! IF you decide to freeze, be sure to leave some space at the top for the frozen broth to expand and not burst!

Easy as that!! And sooooo very good for you! Stay tuned in the next few days for a FAST 5 ingredient Chicken Bone Broth Noodle Soup recipe and a handful of other uses for your new favorite overnight broth!!

Take Care and Happy New Year!


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